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Tea Tree Paraffin


Format: 2,7kg (6lbs)

Catalog number: DP0402-2,7kg use: Professional care

This product is for professional use only.

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Box of 6 lbs (6 sachets of 1 lb) Antiseptic and repairing paraffin with tea tree oil and thyme, ideal for the feet, it is disinfectant, fungicide, moisturizing, softening and healing.

Depilève offers paraffin treatments that will allow you to offer additional care for your hands and feet.

These treatments, pleasant and soothing, also have effects and results both aesthetically and therapeutically. In addition, they are very simple to execute.

Paraffin treatments have been used for several years by doctors, therapists and cosmetic professionals. The paraffin activates blood circulation and acts as a mini-sauna thus causing sweating and allowing the previously applied products to be well absorbed by the skin. Its effectiveness is unmatched in improving the performance of a large number of treatments. Thanks to this moisturizing and rejuvenating treatment, dehydrated, dry, rough skin suffering from eczema or psoriasis can regain its healthy appearance, smoothness and freshness.

Hot paraffin treatments can also be used to relieve muscle pain, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, swollen feet, etc. The application of this heat makes it possible, to reduce the swelling of the muscles, the inflammations at the level of the joints and to activate the circulation by dilating the blood vessels of the affected region to accelerate the healing process.